Friday, February 13, 2009


Mid-term is only a few days more and I haven't finish studying.
Can't imagine that I still can so relax here.
Assignments are piling up slowly and the due date is getting nearer too.
So far, I have done my PSY111 assignments.(So far, only my part done, others group members haven't submit theirs to the group leader yet
PSY110, sad to say, but my group seem like my group members have no initiative to start it. Not even discuss about it.
PSY105, At last, our group members have done the experiments already. Only left with the experiment report.
MC100, doing well with the group members, but because our assignments due at the end of the semester, so I guess my group members will not start it now, but will doing it last minutes. this is what I don't like as every week, we have 2 extra assignments to do and pass it at the end of semester, so, imagine, at the end of semester, I need to study for my finals, need to do presentations, need to do my individual assignments and need to do all the group assignments that is piling up week by week.
Just don't really understand, why must we wait when we can do it now bit by bit. At least, at the end of the semester, we are not rushing and just simply do the assignments as I aim for a good score.
PMG101, my group members plan to do it after mid-term.. Pray hard to God that we can make it on time..

Okie..Guess I need to get back to my book and continue studying, or should I say start studying? Hmm.. anyway, wish me lucks!!

Will update soon when I have the extra time..

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