Sunday, November 30, 2008


1st of December, Monday.
That is the day that I'm afraid of.
And it is tomorrow.
Only left a few more hours and I need to face the reality.
These few days, I tried hard to make myself busy.
So that I will not have extra time to think about the operation.
I went out with friends, spend time with them, helping my mum doing this and that,
When the night falls, make me more panic.
Cause, that is the time that I realize a day have just passed.
I have sleepless night,
Can't sleep well no matter how hard I tried.
Now only I know, how scared is uncle before his operation.
I'm having the same feeling here.
Maybe you are more scared, uncle.
But I feel the same too.
It is like a trauma, that hunts my mind.
It really makes me feel uneasy.
Don't asked me what am I afraid of as I can't explain the feeling.
It is the mixture of my feeling..
Scared, nervous, panic, and lots more..

I shall be away for these few days,
I might not come online and knowing what's happening and
I can't get update with you guys.
But I will make sure that my phone is always with me.
So that I can still update with you guys through sms and phone calls.
Only during my operation time, I need to completely switch off my phone.
That is on Monday, 1st Dec, at 8am till I guess 11-12pm as the operation will takes 2-3 hours.
After the operation, if I'm able to switch my phone on, I will do that.
I can't leave without my phone with me.
I must make sure that my phone is always with me.
Without it. I feel kinda weird.
Feel unsecured and most of all, feel sad I can't stay connected with dear dear.

Praying hard for my eye operation....

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Tagged by Chell

Was tagged by Chell, but was too busy to do it till now... Hehe!!

1. what's the relationship of you and her/him ?

My friend during college days... College-mate + Classmate..

2. Your 5 impressions towards her/him ?

  • - Always SMS
  • - Intelligent
  • - Very quiet
  • - Adorable
  • - Very hardworking

3. The most memorable things she/he have said to you

Those concerning words that she said to me when I'm down. (glad to have a friend like her.)

4. The most memorable things she/he had done for you

So far... When I'm sad, her concern is the most memorable things she have done to me.

5. If she/he became your lover, you will..

OMG... It is impossible!! We are not lesbian OK!! She have a loving bf and I have mine too..

6. If she/he become your enemy, you will...

There is no ''IF" coz we are friends and will be friends forever.

7. If she/he become your lover, she/he has to improve on..

Again, there is no "IF".

8. If she/he become your enemy, the reason is..

IF.... No reason la... coz she will not be my enemy

9. The most desirable thing to do on him/her is ?

Be there to support her and concern about her like she have done to me?

10. The overall impression of him/her is...

She is nice and sweet.

11. How do you think the people around you feel about you ?

Hope nothing bad.. If there is, then I apologize. Forgive me.

12. The character of you for yourself is ?

  • Happy-go-lucky
  • Quite emo at times
  • Value my friends
  • Very shy (Am I??)

I'm not perfect!

13. On contrary, the character you hate of yourself is ?

The lazy me, the way I made my bf unhappy.

14. The most ideal person that you wanna be is ?

No one, except myself

15. For the people who care about you and likes you, say something about them.

Thanks so much..! Appreciate it so much!!

Ten people to tag:

Anyone who wants to do it..!

So sorry Chell, for the late post.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Time flies...

It have been a month since uncle passed away.
Miss him so deeply here.
Time flies really fast.
All of us, already accepted the fact that uncle is no longer with us.
I wanna say thanks to those who support me and give me strength to move on.
Thanks so much and I do appreciate it so much.
I'm fine now.

Went to the eye specialist on Saturday and have my eye checked again before going for my eye surgery.
I'm suffering from lower eye-lid grow inwards instead of outwards.
The doctor said I was born with it and it is very common for chinese to have this problem.
The doctor gave 3 options,
Laser, surgery or plug off all my eye lashes.
The doctor said doing surgery is the best option as if laser, the chances to grow again, is big. If plug off all the eye lashes, it is only for temporarily.
December 1st is my surgery at 9am.
It will takes 1-2 hours.

I'm dead scared....

Friday, October 24, 2008

Friday, Oct 24, 2008. Rest in peace.

Woke up early this morning after hearing the house phone rang for a while till my maid pick it up.
Was wondering who is calling since it is just 6am.
Got the shocking news that my uncle passed away this morning at 12:30am.
We promised him that we will see him on Sunday and we asked him to wait for us.
But, we human can only plan and the decision is in God's hand.
God is much greater, He took uncle with him.
Uncle's last wish is so simple, he just want to see us one last time.
Now, he gone forever.
I miss him so much now.
Mum cried so much this morning, I was wordless.
These few days, I'm suffering from eye problem and I'm going to see eye specialist tomorrow.
Now, when ever my tear drip, my eyes is so pain.
But I can't stop crying after knowing that uncle is far away from us.
I really miss him so badly here.
He is a joker, that always make us laugh with his funny actions.
Now, all that become memories already.
I have no longer hear him joking, no longer hear him complaining, hear him talking and see him doing funny stuff.
He used to call me, "Uncle Kai Ca Bo Kia" (Uncle's daughter)
At times, he really pissed me off with his character and bad habits.
But most of the times, he really cheer me up.
Still remember when I've injured my leg and can't attend college lessons,
he dance while singing (Oh, Oh, Oh!!!! it is a kung fu fighting...) infront of me showing to me that he can dance with his leg while I can't.
Still remember how he changed my TV channel and how he criticized the actors and actress in my favourite movie.

Uncle, we really miss you and we always love you forever. Rest in peace.

To all my friends, if I promised you guys to go out with you all (yam char, watch movies, shopping, dinner and others), I'm so sorry that I have to break my promises. Right now, I really have no mood to do anything and I might be busy helping my families. For those who send me condolence, thanks for supporting me. I'm still strong here.
Thanks so much.

Dear, I tried my best not to cry, as you wish, I know my eye's condition, I will try, although it is hard. But most of the times, my tears drip uncontrollably. I have lost my uncle... I know you are here to support me. I do really need you.)

Monday, September 22, 2008

Hospital Sultan Ismail

Was so tired.
I have a hectic weekend.
As you know, uncle was admitted to the hospital about a week ago.
He is suffering from cancer stage four.
Actually after the operation, he stayed with us for about four months and then he decided to go back to hometown to stay with grandma.
For the whole four months, he is recovering and he is very active.
He talks, he walks, he eats, he plays and he even can drive to buy things for himself as he told us that he is bored staying at home doing nothing.
But when he went back to hometown in Batu Pahat, Johor, he is getting weaker and weaker.
He refuse to eat and drink.
To make the matter worst, one of my grandaunty from Singapore, she come and visit uncle.
That old lady, she so and tell uncle that his cancer is stage four.
We try to hide from him and she easily say it out.
Since that day, uncle have no mood and apparently lost his appetite over anything and everything.
He no longer can walk and now he is relying on the wheel chair to move around.

He was admitted to the hospital and now, we found out that his cancer cell is spreading in his body.
His cancer cell spread into his bone and attack his T-bone and other bone. He have no bone there and that was the cause why he can't walk.
Doctor told us that everyday, it is a bonus day for him.
I get that doctor message and we are now mentally prepared.
Doctor said that he now still can talk,
But he can fall into coma suddenly and he will leave us anytime.
I feel so useless whenever I saw my mum's tears dripping.
I wanted to comfort her, but I can't as my tears are dripping too.

Mum decides to go to Johor Bahru to visit uncle as he calls and begs us to go and visit us.
He said that he wants to see all of us before he leave us.
Saturday, after mum came back from her office, we pack and we make a move at around 3:30pm.
On the way, we have to stop by BP to fetch grandma up as she wants to visit her son too.
After so long journey, we fially reached JB and it tooks us about 6 hours plus.
We reached the hospital at about 9:45pm and because it is government hospital, they are very strict.
The visiting hours are like from 12:30pm till 2pm and from 4pm till 7pm.
When we reached there, we have to give 100 reasons to the security just to go in and visit uncle.
The security then allow us to go but only gives us 10minutes.
Well, of course we stayed more than 10 minutes and you know what happened?
That stupid malay security guard came in and scolded us, she told us times up. We begged for a little while more, this inconsiderate people just scolded us and off the room light and ask us out.
We wanted to scold her as uncle is staying in a VIP room and is a private room.
But we didn't afraid that she will do something harms uncle.

We then check-in hotel in Mutiara Hotel (formally known as Holiday Inn hotel).
Dad booked two rooms previously and we went up to rest for a while before we go for dinner.
We have our dinner at 11:45pm. I guess it is supper more than dinner.
But well, we are having seafood, it is satisfying after all.
Go back to the hotel room with bloated tummy, shower, rest, play and then at 3am, I fall asleep on the bed that I share with my sister. My grandma was in the next bed in the same room as me while my parent was in the next room.

At 10am, the next morning, all of us awake and shower and we get ready, go for breakfast and meet up with aunties from JB.
Luckily the hotel let us extend out check-out time till 3pm so that we are not that rushing.
We went to the hospital after breakfast and visit uncle.
We then went straight to the hotel and pack our belongings and check out.
We leave JB at about 3:15pm and we reached BP at 4:30pm.
Rest for a while in grandpa house, then we make a move back to KL at around 7:00pm.
Dad was speeding all the way and finally, we reached KL at 9:45pm.

I was so tired and restless.
All of us went to bed after shower.
I woke up today at 11:45am.
Still feel tired. But I have to help my mum to do some things.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

This time, Flo tagged me... =)

RULE #1 People who have been tagged must write their answers on their blogs and replace any question that they dislike with a new question formulated by themselves.
RULE #2 Tag 6 people to do this quiz and those who are tagged cannot refuse.These people must state who they were tagged by and cannot tag the person whom they were tagged by continue this game by sending it to other people.

Tagged by Florentyna.

1. If your lover betrayed you, what will your reaction be?
~ I will make his life full will sorrow and misery.. Hahahaha!! (Serve him right!!)

2. If you can have a dream to come true, what would it be?
~ I wish that I will be a successful person in everything near future. (Yeah!! I'm scare of being a loser)

3. Whose butt would you like to kick?
~ My aunty's butt?? (Cause she con my mum money and didn't want to admit herself, but instead, put the blame on my uncle..)

4. What would you do with a billion dollars?
~ Of course I will save it in the bank, give some for charity, then go around the world if I can and invest bla bla (As if the money is enough for everything)

5. Will you u fall in love with your best friend?
~ Hmm.... Let me think(thinking very deeply)... Of course. My bf is my best friend during my TAR College days.

6. Which is more blessed, loving someone or being loved by someone?
~ Of course being loved by someone as my family loves to tell us, choose the one that love you more than you love him. Haha!! My cousins always repeat that when we discuss bout our bf/gf.

7. How long do you intend to wait for someone you really love?
~ It is all depends.. Well, if it is worth waiting, why not?

8. If the person you secretly like is already attached, what would you do?
~ OMG!!! I will try to forget about him but still keep our friendship.

9. If you like to act with someone, who will it be? your gf/bf or an actress/actor?
~ I would like to choose actor (Raymond, Lam Fong). Why? Because, hey, how often you have the chance to act with an actor? I mean, we always have the chance to spend time with our bf right?

10. Will you invite for Ex bf/gf to your wedding dinner?
~ If he is still single, OF COURSE!! Let him feel regret of losing me. Hehehe!! If he is already married, I think I will invite him too cause to tell him that, hey, I'm more than ok without you as I have found a better one.

11. How would you see yourself in ten years time?
~ 10 years time? Having a good career and a wonderful relationship. In short, success in everything.

12. What's your fear?
~ Fear?? Fear of being a loser? Fear of LIZARD!!! Hehe!!

13. What kind of person do you think the person who tagged you is?
~ People who don't know her, thinks that she is a shy and quiet person (this was what I think before I know her) But once you know her, she is friendly, good, nice and helpful person (I miss the three long hour break before our Business lecture in Sem 3 la Flo.)

14. Would you rather be single and rich or married but poor?
~ I want to be rich, but I don't want to be single. So, can I have married AND rich? (hehe!! the greedy side of me)

15. What's the first thing you do when you wake up?
~ Is dear dear still on the line? Does the line hangs us up? If it does, I will call him again and if it doesn't, I will wake him up by keep calling for him. Hehe!!

16. Would you give all in a relationship?
~ I will give some (not all) at first and slowly, as time goes by, I will give it all.

17. If you fall in love with two people simultaneously, who would you pick?
~ Which two people? But if I fall in love with two people, I guess I will pick the one that is better than the other one and the one who loves me more.

18. Would you forgive and forget no matter how horrible a thing the someone has done?
~ Well, hard to say(cause I'm quite a revengful type of person). Haha!! No la. It is all depends on how horrible is it (ya la, if that person make me lose my loved ones, how can I FORGIVE and FORGET). But mostly I might forgive, but NOT forget.

19.Do you prefer being single or having a relationship?
~ I guess in a relationship as I'm happy to be with my bf. Hehe!!!

20.List 6 people to tag (well, I'm going to change this question)
20. Who do you want to tag?
~ Anyone who are interested in doing this, they may. Hehe!!

Saturday, September 13, 2008


I'm so pissed off right now.
To other people, they think that I'm in the wrong.
But do you really check and understand my feelings?
I admit, I admit that sometimes I'm fierce.
But hey, please know the reason why I scold you.
Although I'm fierce, but of cause there is always a cause behind it.
I can't be so inconsiderate right?
That scolds you without any reason or purpose?
Please use your mind and think about it.

I don't understand,
Not sometimes, but always.
I don't really understand you.
So what if you are the sick person?
So what if you are my uncle?
Have you ever think, a deep thinking that why your son didn't ever bother to visit you?
Have you ever see your son buying things for you?
Hey, think yourself.

Yes, I did scold you.
I did raise my voice to you.
I did shout at you.
I'm pissed off at that time.
Know why?
Cause I have already been so patience with you and I can't take it anymore.
Hey, I'm human Okay!
I have a feeling.
I have already done my best, to be patience with you.
So, what somemore you want?
Doesn't this 4 months I did what you want?
Not enough? I'm telling you right now, that I have already been so patience with you for the past FOUR Months.
Hey. is four MONTHS ok, not four WEEK.
I don't like you? I hate you?
No, I don't.
But can you be not so childish?

The maid cooks EVERYMEAL everyday,
you refuse to eat it.
Giving so many excuses,
the food not nice, maid dirty, no taste, you don't like it, and anything that you can think off.
As a result, I need to go all way out just to buy the food that you want to eat.
I ned to buy for you for lunch and dinner.
I'm ok with it but hey, you want me to buy food from particular stall and place?
Isn't it a little too much?
I'm staying in Selayang and you want me to go all the way to Cheras to buy Nasi Lemak for you?
Go to Imbi and buy mee for you?
At night when I'm dead tired after the whole day out, you wants me to go to Pudu and buy you dinner.
Hey, that is way too much.
Can you look at the time, what time is it? It is already 11pm.
Forgive you with the food problem as mummy always told me that bear with you and actually, I'm very happy to see you have appetite to eat.

What I don't really like is...
The day that you need to go to the hospital for check ups.
Hey the appointment have already made.
Mummy asked me to send you there as she have to work.
I remembered before I drive, I asked you where else you want to go, didn't I?
You told me that you have nowhere to go.
And I asked you are you sure because I don't want to make a big turn later.
You said after the checkup you wants to go back your house to take somethings.
I said ok and then you say thats all.
Hey, I drive till we reach right infront of the hospital and you asked me don't go to the hospital first.
Asked me to send you to the bank and you wants to redraw money.
I'm fine with it. Although I'm angry, but I didn't show it.
You told me to drive you to the bank.
I did as what you said. But wait a minute..
To redraw money from ATM machine, do you need to go back to your house area that bank?
You know it is so far away from the hospital?
And I need to go all the way just for you.
Then you say can go to the hospital already.
I did as you asked.
Reach hospital, you go for your checkup.
Then you asked me to send you back to your house.
You know?
I'm so pissed off as it is far away from the hospital and I need to go there again.
Why just now you don't want to go as we are already there when you want to go to the bank?
Why you wants me to go there twice?
I have been driving since morning till evening 6pm.
You know how tired am I?
How hungry am I?
I'm fine with it.
You saw the mangosteen stall near your house, you told me to drop by afterward.
Honestly, I forget about it.
I totally forget about it.
After I turn out heading home, already half the journey only you remind me.
What you want me to do?
It is already half the journey and I need to send my sister for tuition later.
It is so rushing. You stayed with us for so long, don't you know that Jasmine's tuition everynight?
I told you that I go to the night market and buy it for you later.
Mummy did buy it and what did you do?
You throw off all the mangosteen by saying it is rotten.
But it is actually not at all.
I keep it by myself again.

That day, is the day where I can't take it anymore.
The day I scold you and raise my voice to you.
I can't take it anymore.
Because of your character.
Your bad behaviour.
If you don't know how to fix that pond,
DON'T fix it.
No need you to act so pro to adjust and do the statue for the pond.
You know mummy spends so much to buy that statue and now you broke it.
I have already told you earlier on,
That don't do it.
Let it be and you said that you know how to do and you always did that.
Fine!! Now, what have you done with it?
You broke it.
I was so pissed off and I raise my voice and scold you.
Cause that is mum's favourite.
You know.

I scold you for a reason and I already can't take it.
There are so much more that I don't want to point it out.
You are so selfish.
You watch your program and you don't let us change to the channel that we want to watch.
I missed out so many episode because of you.

All I know, I only scold you once.
Only that one time.
What you did?
You tell all my aunties that I have no manners?
They don't even know what really happens.
So, you think that you are only one who are right and I'm wrong?
You make yourself so innocent and make me feel so guilty.

Trust me, I will repay back.


What happen with the internet connection these days?
I can't login into my msn,
It always appear error and when I surf the web,
The connection is so slow.
Just to wait and load a page, it took me half an hour.
After that half an hour, ERROR!!!

Can anyone tell me what had happened?
Am I the only one who are facing this problem?

Wednesday, September 03, 2008

A year have gone by

Seem so fast,
A year have gone by.
Together we hold each other hand,
And go through ups and downs.

We went through happy times together,
Where the time that are full with laughter.
Both of us laugh so loudly and so happily.
The times feel just so nice.

We taste the bitter of sad times,
The time which hates and anger fill us.
We have misunderstandings and arguement.
Those were the times that we hates each other.

As time goes by,
We went through happy and sad times,
We are still holding strong and be faithful with each other,
We still stay loyal and still loving each other.

After we have been through happy and sad times,
Unsatisfaction came into our life.
Me and you are not satisfied with each other at times.
But we are still loving each other till now.

To me,
I feel safe with you always by my side,
Guide me, Hold me, Stay with me, Love me, Tender me.
I love the way you treat me.
I will never, ever feel bored to be with you.

For me,
I'm very lucky to know you,
I'm very happy to be your special one,
I feel lucky that I have you in my life,
And the most important is I do really love you.


A year have passed by,
I have taste the sweet and bitter of our relationship.
I have gone through the ups and downs of this relationship.
NO, I never, ever feel regret to know you.
I have learn and I have grew up in this relationship.

I might be childish, I might be a cry baby.
I might even make you don't like about me.
I have learn to be a mature person.
But I have done my best to fix the problem.

You don't like anything that I do,
I don't do it.
You don't like me to go here and there,
I obey you.
You asked me not to do this and that,
I didn't do it.

I have changed my lifestlye that suit you.
No drinking, no clubbing, no night outing.
I know, at times, I'm a sensitive person.
I try hard not to cry infront of you.
I try hard to talk nicely to you even I'm pissed off.
Everything that you say bad about me,
I try to take it and I try not to repeat it again.

Dear Dear,

Today, it is our first anniversary.
I'm very happy to know you,
To always by your side,
Support you, Be your backbone, Stay loyal and be faithful with you.
I'm very happy that our relationship is getting stronger and stronger.
Time have already proven to us,
That a year have passed by,
We have gone through so many challenges and we are still staying together.

I love you dear,
I will be loving you more day by day
and I will always love you.
*huggs tightly*

Happy First Anniversary, Dear.
Happy First Anniversary, I Love You.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Got tagged by Zen

1. Add your blog/s to the list. Feel free to add all your other blogs. It’s okey if you only post this questions in one blog as long as you answer them.
2. Get back to Me {YEN} and I’ll add your blogs to the master’s list HERE! Note that you are not ALLOWED to change the link of the here.
3. Copy from Start to End.
4. Tag as many friends online you know. But you don’t need to be tag in order to join.

Copy this Participants List: Me and Mine | Creative in Me | For the LOVE of Food | Little Peanut | Pea in a Pod | It’s Where the HEART Is | Around the World | SugarMagnolias | I Am Mommy | All About The Memories | Enchanted Play | Just My Scrap | Whats Up | Simply Me | Kitchen Deelite | A Mothers Horizon | In Depth | A Life in Bloom | Because Life is a Blessing | Digiscraptology | Joys iN life | Life is What we Make it | Photo Blog | Dancing in Midlife Tune | Mommy Talks | Aggie Shoots. Aggie Scraps | All Kinds of Me Stuff | The Salad Caper | Winding Creek Circle | InkBabyStudios | | All Things Me | Feels Like Home | Because Life Is Fun | Blessings and Beyond | Mommy Earns Money Online | Pinay Mommy Online| Clark & Butchay’s Blog | Butchay’s World | Simply Jen | Jenny Said So | My Online World | My Life in this Wonderful World | Biz-N-Honey | Aeirin’s Collections | My Precious Niche |Eds Mommy Life |Just Me.. Eds | My BIG Picture | Merger Guru | Quicker8 | Insights from the Grocery Cart | MindBubbles| LivingtheHealthyLife | VanityKit | Stripe&Yellow | SomethingPurple| Em’s Detour | Joys iN life | Life is What we Make it | Photo Blog | Dancing in Midlife Tune | Ozzy’s Mom | Me,Myself+2 | Kidd Designs | Fun.Fierce.Fabulous | Tints of My Heart | Morphed | when mom speaks | walk on red | kathycot | buhay misis | kathycot cooks | Posh Post Reviews | Flowersbythewayside |The Fab and The Furious | Blog In to Space | Dancing With Butterflies | Twisted Angel | Pieces of Me | Just Let Go | Blessed Chic | Hobbies and Such | My World in My Own Word | Colorful World of Shiela| The Shopaholic Nightingale | Day to Day Miracles | Can of Thoughts | Designs By Vhiel | Anything and Everything in Between | Vhiel’s Corner | Lovin’ Life | BigMoneyList | Crissy’s Library | Crissy’s Zone | Crissy’s Haven | Vis Vires | Amazingly Me | Jenn Was Here | Shutter Happenings | Le Kulitszie Familie | Embracing Myself | BLOGSILOG |Digiscrapz: Captured Memories |Cherry’s Comfort Zone |Thinking Out Loud |Buzzy Me |Wishing and Hoping |My Blog Portfolio |Get Paid to Blog! |PRC Board Exam Results | Teacher’s Corner | Pinay WAHM | Random Thoughts | Explore Manila | My Colorful World | Bermuda or L.A. | celebrating life | my life is peachy | belly, body and beyond |Woman Style | Scribbles of My Life | In This Game of Life | The Shopaholic in Me | The Callalily Space | Juliana’s Site | A Simple life | Mommy’s Little Corner | Life’s Sweets and Spices | Moms… Check Nyo | Simple Delights | Motherhood in a Nutshell | marshimallows | A Great Pleasure | Ramblings of The Phat | when mom speaks | walk on red | kathycot | buhay misis kathycot cooks | My Random Thoughts | My World | Mom Knows Everything | Tailgaternetwork | Zook Light | Melinda Zook | Me, Myself and I | Stranded Life | iHeartREVIEWS | Lady Banana | A Great Pleasure | Mariuca’s Perfume Gallery | BEING WOMAN | See N Read | The Real Deal, The Real Me | My Virtual Closet | My Views On My So Called Life | Her Name is NOY| No Place Like Home | Digital Life Scraps | Tickled Pink Digiscrap | Angelika | Angelika’s Other Blog | In The Life Of…Mne | Everything Has A Reason | In My Kitchen | Confessions Of A Breathing Tote Bag | My Basic Fashion Folder |restnrileks | STUDENTS BLOG | KWENTONG PINAS | KWENTO NI ENDAY | BlogHop | Otwarte | Wilstop | Let’s Travel Philippines | Caffeinated Muse | Faery Dancing | Confessions Of A Breathing Tote Bag | My Basic Fashion Folder | Diane | Anything Goes! | Shae- Shae Blog | It’s a woman’s world! | The Music of My Heart | A Handful of Surprises | My Paper Scraps | Digitally Diane | Somewhere Over the Rainbow | I am a Nikon Girl | Piece o’ Kaje | and so I am Women Xplore | My Sweet Bratinella | Our Journey to Life | My Planet Purple | Kaycee’s Bubble | Juls Random Thoughts | Icelog | This is a Miracle… | Women with Extraordinary | Women with Extraordinary Life | SuPerCaLifRaGiLisTiC ExpiALiDoCiOuS | Food for the Hungry Mind | Enterntain You | (Mis)Adventures of Rona | Rona’s Nook | The Noble and The Nonsense | Enterntain You | Fliffy | Listening, Learning, Living | Zen | Christine ||

– Name: Christine Lee Lynn Wei
– Birth date: November 05, 19xx (Girl's top secret)
– Birthplace: Cheras, Kuala Lumpur
– Current Location: Selayang, Selangor (Moving to Rawang soon)
– Eye Color: Black?
– Hair Color: Black?
– Righty or Lefty: Righty

– Your heritage: Malaysian? Chinese?
– The shoes you wore today: Haven't yet?
– Your weakness: Easily get influenced?
– Your fears: Fear of being a loser, fear of losing my loved ones, fear of FAILURE?
– Your perfect pizza: Lots of cheese?
– Goal you’d like to achieve in life: Being a very successful person in life.

– Your most overused phrase on IM: LOL, OMG, Haha!
– Your first waking thoughts: What is the time now?
– Your best physical feature: Hair?
– Your most missed memory: High school times and also TAR College times?

– Pepsi or Coke: Coke
– McDonald’s or Burger King: McDonald's
– Single or group dates: Both? Well, depends on that time I guess.
– Adidas or Nike: Nike
– Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: Can I have cold plain water instead?
– Chocolate or vanilla: Chocolate
– Cappuccino or coffee: Can I have both? (I'm greedy at times)


– A famous person, dead or alive, would you interview: Not in my mind now! =)
– Movie can you watch and say the lines along with the actors: When they sing a song that I familiar with? Cause I can't predict what are they going to say??!?!!
– Name two of your passions in life : Traveling, going out with my friends and watching dramas
– Least favorite time of day: Waiting for dear dear to reply my message


– Use hairspray or gel: Neither, I don't like it.
– Your favorite meal: Any Malaysian foods? (Can't get it in other country)
– Color is the inside of your head when you close your eyes: light Blue colour?
– Listen to classical music: Depends on the music
– Ever said LOL in real life without thinking about it: Yup!! >.<

I tagg.....

Whoever want to do it!!

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

The last day

Today, Shir Kee is going back to Singapore.
After today, we will all go back to work and study.
This morning, we awake quite early.
Haven't 9am we already awake and we wash up and pack our things.
At 9:30am, Pui Leong came and pick us all up to have breakfast in Rawang town.
We eat and joke and play all the way.
There are 6 of us having breakfast together.
After 11:30am, we have done our breakfast and we reach home and I start to pack and tidy up the house.
At 12:30pm sharp, I went to the toilet for a quick shower and we have to head to Kepong Station to drop Shir Kee.

I hug her tightly and say goodbye to her.
But we promise that a year later, we will meet again.
That time, we want to go for holidays.
We plan to go to Redang for holiday the next trip she come back to Malaysia.
Can't wait for the moment.

Reach home at around 2pm after pump the petrol full tank back for mum.
So tired and sleepy,
Have my lunch,
After that, sitting on the sofa and watch Astro On Demand, watch the show that I have missed (Moonlight Resonance).
I love that movie, so heart-touching!!!

Monday, August 18, 2008

The crazy night

Monday was tend to be a more relaxing day for us as our next gathering is at night around 10pm.
We awake at about 10 in the morning and we wash up and went out for breakfast.
Since, it was quite heavy rain, so I have decided that we eat in a mamak stall just right behind my house (not exactly behind, but is like another few rows behind my house la)

After we have done our fulfilling and satisfying breakfast, we went back.
Maybe too long already I didn't drive manual car, my mum Waja car is a manual and I keep forgetting to change the gear.
But after a few times, trust me, I drive smoothly and like a professional.
We then head home and I do some cleaning and fold and keep my dry clothes that I washed yesterday.
It was 2pm after I have done everything.
I took my shower and we went to KPM (Kementerian Peperiksaan Malaysia) in Selayang to collect our STPM cert.
After doing all those minor minor stuff such as taking finger print, having my driving license, filling forms like my full name, ic number, house address, tel number, car number, what time we come and what time we leave.
We then head to Kepong KTM station, Shir Kee need to buy her train tickets in KL Sentral back to Singapore tomorrow.
So, we went there by train. Feel weird and makes me think back all my past. Feel like centuries I didn't take train to move here and there.
The last time I took it was like 2 years ago I think.
The time when I was still in TAR College. Always take LRT to KLCC for movies with Kelvin, Sin Yee, Huei Tse, Shir Kee and Kim Qin.
How time flies, it was already 2 years have gone by but feel like it was just like yesterday.

We reached KL Sentral and we quickly go to the counter and buy the ticket back to Singapore.
After we buy the ticket, we stay for a little longer because the platform was pack with people rushing back from work.
So we went to KFC to fill our stomach.
After that, we went to shop for a little while inside KL Sentral.
We bought a little things then we decided to go back since it was already 8pm.
I guess it will not as pack as previously.
My phone SMS ring and it was from Chan Keong, he asked me to change the tim eto 9:30pm instead of 10pm since some of them are having exam.
So, I SMS them to tell we changed the time, but still remained the place.
We went into the platform, the train is there waiting for us.
I quickly rush into the train that are quite pack.

On the way back to Kepong,
The whole journey is so pack and some of the inconsiderate people make it worst.
The door can't be close because it is overload already.
They still don't want to get down and wait for the next train.
They make spoil the door and the cause is, we have to wait for a while for them to repair it.
It was like, what the hell.
Anyway, we reach Kepong station safely.

We then went to Gasoline and I told the waiter there we have around 8 - 10 people.
So, we went to this dark place and we sit at a corner while waiting for the rest to come.

Tonight, we are so happy.
We drink a lot,
We jokes,
We bomb each other,
We play and do those things that we used.
We are so noisy until the waiter must remind us not so loud and so crazy.
We enjoy ourself till we almost forget to take some pictures for remembrance.
We chat till 1am.
We are so happy till times fly and we didn't realise it.
Well, it is time to bid farewell again and we have to plan for the next meeting.

At the car park, we still hang around for another few minutes.
We are like don't want to go back home.
But some of them are having exam the next day!!
Good Luck Forlan, Huei Tse, Sin Yee and Ken Yu!!
Good Luck to Kelvin too... In your singing competition.

Tonight, we reach home at about 2:30am after crazily joking in the car park.
I miss you guys and I'm starting to miss you guys!!

I can't imagine,
Can't believe that tomorrow is the last day for Shir Kee.
She will be going back to Singapore, 2pm train.
We have to sleep early and have to pack all our belongings already.
So sad and my tears drop silently.

She is my roommate in my hostel,
She is my roommate in my rent house and she is my housemate too.
Everything I do, I will always do with her.
Now she is in Singapore and I'm in Malaysia.
Miss You Shir Kee!!

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Car Breakdown

Last night we slept quite late as we were chatting till each of us fall asleep.
Today morning, we have a breakfast date with another TAR College friend also from Rawang.
She told me that she will reach my house at 9 in the morning.
So, I have to make sure that I'm fully awake before 9am and make sure that both of them are awake too since we didn't set the alarm.

At about 8:30 in the morning, I was awake.
So, I quickly take my shower and wash up.
I get dressed into a proper clothes and wake them up, lying them that I'm hungry and I want to eat breakfast.
I lied to them because they doesn't know that Pey Ying is coming anytime soon.

I unlocked all the locks and feed the hungry fishes while waiting for Pey Ying.
Less than a few minutes, she arrived and get into the house quietly and give them a big surprise.
We are so happy, hugging, laughing and chatting.
After an hour, we then went to have our breakfast.
We went to a coffee shop and ordered Wantan Mee as our breakfast.
After our breakfast, we went back to my house and we chat again there.
At about 12 something in the afternoon, we leave my house, heading to Times Square.
We wanted to go for Karaoke in Neway Karaoke.
Pey Ying did not join us as she need to follow her family go to her aunty place.

We reached Time Square at aout 1:30pm due to the jam.
We head straight to Karaoke and we start to order food and drinks while choosing songs to sing.
After about half an hour, Kelvin, Huei Tse and Sin Yee arrived and they joined us.
We really have loads of fun there, singing crazily, camwhoring here and there.
We even sing not alone, but together, passing the mic from one to another.
We really do have fun even we are shouting and not singing sometimes.
But we don't mind cause we are that crazy.

At about 5pm, we then get out of that karaoke, paying about RM250 bills.
We walked around and shop around.
Huei Tse and Kim Qin then took monorail and go back to their house.
We shop and buy some things with Kelvin and Sin Yee.
Remember back the old days, we used to go to KLCC after class to watch movie and also buy things together.

At 6:30pm, Kelvin have to go to KL Sentral as he have to go back to his hometown, Tampin cause he have singing class. (He liked to sing and he is talented. I loved to hear him sing)
We decided to get out from Times Square at 7pm since don't have nice movie at that time.
I then drive out from that building and at the traffic light there, it is red light, so, i stopped the car.
Out of the sudden, the car breakdown and I can't restart the car back.
(You know what? My car stop at the middle of the road and it caused a massive jam)
I called daddy for help and he called his mechanic.
After doing what they asked me to, the car still fails to start. So that mechanic guy told me that I need to tow my car.
After a few minutes, a traffic police passed by and asked us what happened.
We told them that my car can't be started anymore and that MALAYSIAN police guy asked us to push the car to the side of the road.
He then open the road for us to push my car to the side.
Without helping, he then shouted at us, telling us to push harder.
I pissed off but I didn't say anything.
They didn't even try to help us to push the car, but riding his bike comfortably and shout at us to push harder where we already push the car till the max of our strength.

Doing this and that, waiting for daddy to come and pick us and also waiting for the tow truck, at last daddy arrived at about 8pm.
I feel sorry for daddy as he missed the badminton competiton between malaysia and china.
After that, I drove mummy's waja.
At first, I was quite paniced as the waja is a manual car.
I didn't touch manual car for i think, a year.
But thanks god, I drove it smoothly. Haha!! **Phew**
I drove back to Rawang and we reach Rawang at about 12:30am after dinner.
I then have to wash clothes and I want to sleep already as I was so tired.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

The first day out

I can't really sleep last night.
Maybe I'm too excited about the gathering.
I'm going to meet all my TAR College friends from UA1b class.
I miss you guys and I'm doing my countdown here.

I guess I fall asleep at around 5am in the morning.
At 9 in the morning, my alarm was ringing non stop, I quickly off it and continue my sleep as I slept late last night thinking that I can awake when my phone message comes in.
I slept until 1pm when my phone message rings and I got a shock when I saw the time is already 1pm.
Quickly, I get up, wash up and eat my lunch that daddy bought.
After delaying things here and there (where usually I used to do that), only I pack my belongings.
The clock is 3pm after I have done my packing. So, I take a shower slowly since my friends haven't call me yet.
Singapore friend, Shir Kee is arriving late as her trains started late.
At around 4pm when I was preparing to leave the house, Kim Qin, from Pahang called me and says that she is reaching KL in about another 20 minutes.
So, I went to the Wangsa Maju LRT Station and wait for her.
We then went to TAR College to walk around and jokes with the past memories that we had.
We then bounced into some of our lecturer, we chat for a while and then we decided to go to 1Utama to catch a movie while waiting for Shir Kee that might arrived at about 10pm.

We decided to watch La Lingerie, it is a Cantonese love movie that will make you laugh out loud.
Before we go for the movie, we walk around 1Utama since it was still early as the movie is at 7:20pm while the time is only around 5:45pm.

At around 6:15pm, we then went to food court to eat Mr.Tepanyaki as our dinner.
We then went straight to the cinema and the show ends at around 9:30pm.
I then decided to go to KL Sentral since it is already 9:30pm.
After we get out from 1Utama, I received a message from Shir Kee, telling me that she just pass Seremban, heading to Kajang and then only KL Sentral. So, it is about 11pm when she reach KL Sentral.
Since, I have already left 1Utama, we decided to drive slowly to KL Sentral and we will wait for Shir Kee there.
Nothing much we can do except waiting for her in the car, while we are waiting, we chat and get ourself updated with each other.
At about 11:05pm,, Shir Kee messaged me and told me that she have reached KL Sentral, asking me where am I . I play a fool on her telling her that I lost my way and I don't know where am I as it is all highway.

She believed in me and she sound quite worried and panicked. Asking me to drive safely, don't speed this and that. She say she can wait for me inside KL Sentral.
I saw her sitting on the bench there alone. I then approached her and she get a shock. She shouted loudly claiming that I lie to her and I make her believed it. I was laughing and then my friend run towards her and give her a surprise. She doesn't know that Kim Qin is with me all the way cause we didn't let her know, wanting to give her surprise.

We then head straight to Rawang, my new house as our gathering place and also our sleeping place.
It was already 12am when we reached there and after putting everything down, we head straight to mamak stall nearby my house since we are all thristy and since Shir Kee haven't eat anything yet since afternoon.
While we are enjoying the drink, we chat and dig out those past memories.
We laugh while we talk. Still remember we even went out at 4am for a drink although we are all girls.
We went back home at around 2am. We took shower and prepared ourself to sleep as each of us are so tired.
Although there are so many empty rooms and so many matresses, we still squeeze and sleep together like old times.

Friday, August 15, 2008

Excitement+joy=i'm impatience here

Last Wednesday night, I went out to Jusco Metro Prima, Kepong just to watch a movie - The Mummy III (Tomb Of The Dragon Emperor.)

Can't believe that the movie is not as good as I expected. But anyway, I enjoy the movie.
It was wednesday night, 8pm movie and the cinema was crowded with so many people. We was like buying the ticket for that movie in the eleventh hour. So, we have no choice but to sit at the 3rd row of the cinema. Soooo front. Only me and kai kai went to watch that movie since the others already watched it. I went straight home right after the movie because I was waiting for dear dear to call me. He promised me that he will call me before 11pm. I miss him so much and I'm starting to feel that we are spending lesser and lesser time together.

I can't believe that tomorrow is the day.. The day that I can finally meet all my TAR College friends after so long we are apart.
I can finally meet all of them back. The jokers, the bulliers, the innocent people, the talkative people all are coming back.. Coming back to me, and spice up my life again.
I really wish the four days together will really brings our memory back, the time where we used to tease each other, joke, play with each other, we quarrel, we fight, we laugh, we cry together.
I miss it so much.
No matter how late, we will still go out for supper and for drink, even it is 4am, to us, the night is still young.
We went to cybercafe(cc), and we can spend our time there from night till the next morning, after having breakfast, we went for class with our panda bear look and with our tired and no energy look. We can almost fall asleep if we found out that the lecturer is too dull. We play afool with the lecturer and how we make our econs lecturer, Ms.Dolly laugh non stop for no reason.
I miss everything...
This time, there will no playing afool with lecturer, there will no sleeping in the lecture class, there will no rushing for class. I really miss those days.
I miss my housemates too.
They are the one who make my life even spicer, even happier.
We didnt fight nor quarrel, but the sharing and caring that each of us have, brings us together more closer.
The time where we tease each other, the time where we off the toilet lights and we make the person inside the toilet to beg us switch on the light.
How our houseleader boil soup and we all drink together, even the soup taste good, we will still say it taste bad.
How we sometimes bomb each of us until one of us are wordless.
There are so much fun that we have in that house.
Still remember how our houseleader brought back food for us that is free of charge. When he is working in the cafe in Ampang, he always bring back any food that we want.
Even it is free, he packed it with a lots of ingredients. Our burger become so huge with extra extra cheese, mayo, ham and others. The curry chicken rice, the rice is so much, never leave out, the curry chicken so much until it covers up all the rice. It is so full and filling.
I miss those days that we all spend the whole night together in the living room when our house blacked out, telling ghost stories and jokes.
I miss the time we fight for space to hang dry our clothes, when we fight for toilet, fight for the washing machine, fight for the tv programme and even fight for the cards game that we play.
How I wish that time will get us back together. We are just like a happy family.

AND.... Tomorrow is the day for us to spend 4 days together, going anywhere we want and do whatever things that we want.
I can't wait for tomorrow already!!

Since dear dear is also busy with his things and can't spend time with me, I will be missing you too dear. Hope to see you on this wednesday!! I wanna hug you tightly, don't wanna let you go anymore!!!!! I Love you dear and I always will!

Sunday, August 10, 2008


I spend my weekend productively.
**thumbs up**
I helped my family to clean our house fish pond.
Yes! Is a fish pond, not an aquarium.
The scrubbing, scrapping, washing, cleaning and all sort of things took place just to make sure it was super duper clean.
Phew! It is damn tiring, and the washing and cleaning took 2 long hours.
Finish cleaning, I sit at the pond praising our good job and start filling up the pond with water.

My mum wanted to buy some fishes and put it inside.
While I'm waiting for the pond to be filled up, there was a few seconds of flash back.
Remember when was still immature young, I used to helped out to clean the pond and I will be always the first one who dash to the pond to make a mess clean it up.
Those were the happy days splashing dirty water to the maid and my sister.
Now, it only left with memories as my maid went back to her hometown and we can't trace her and there is no news from her.

After the pond is full with water, we then went to Rainbow aquarium fish shop and buy some fishes that are cheap but will last long. My sister and me then buy some expensive fish with our own money for mum.

Guess what are they trying to do??

As we are choosing which fish to buy for our pond, there are one aquarium that attract me to take a closer look. What I saw is that two fishes are kissing mouth to mouth. When I was busy taking photos of it, only then I realise actually both of that fishes are fighting. They are not kissing, but biting each other mouth.

After busy choosing and buying fishes, we then went straight home to release those fishes. It was quite relaxing to see the fishes swimming around here and there.

Well, I'm exhausted right now... Want to enjoy my time with the fishes out there.
Will be updating soon!!

My house's fish pond...

Saturday, August 02, 2008

Poor Service, or no service at all!

It is a Saturday night and my family and I went for our dinner.
Since there was a restaurant that are newly open in Bandar Country Homes, Rawang,
my mum asked us try the food there.

We reach the newly open restaurant that are located near my house.
We went in and we choose our table to sit, since there are plenty of empty table.
I looked around, there are only 4, plus us, 5 family in the restaurant there.
Only 2 tables are eating, and the rest are still waiting for their food to come.
We sat down there for almost 5 minutes, and guess what? NOBODY SERVE US...NOT EVEN A DRINK.
So, my dad was quite a little pissed off cause everyone of us are quite hungry.
We thought we can have our food fast since there are only a little people eating there.
But after several times my dad called for the people to take order, only a chinese-look-alike indonesian came and take our order.
No, not taking order for food, but drink.
We start ordering and then she went off.
We waited for another 20 minutes, but there are still no one come to take our order,
worst of all, our DRINKS are not here yet.
Their kitchen concept is an open air concept.
We can see what is happening inside.
My mum asked us to see what happen there.
I turn and see what happened there.
What I saw is in the small kitchen,
there was only 2 cooks there, but they have so many assistants, I think easily got 8 assistants there busily helping our.
They look so busy and my dad was like, "I think we better not eat here"
And my mum told my dad that we have already ordered drinks.
Dad went and canceled the drinks that we ordered and then we went out of that restaurant.
Dad was complaining the whole night about their bad service restaurant.
I really lose my patience, can't imagine that we have been waiting for half an hour, but there are still no people come and serve us and take our order.
Really give bad image of their restaurant.
My mum was like a reporter, she complain to everyone that she knows in or house that particular row.
And the news spread from our row to the next row till the our whole compound in section 13 know about it..!
Shy for them!! No wonder there are not much people eat there.

Friday, August 01, 2008

#pissed off#

I almost lose my temper today.
I didn't collect my exam docket on Wednesday, thinking that I can collect it on Friday.
Today, I went to college and I got to know that we can only collect it later at 3pm - 5pm.
My class ends at 11am today and for friday, the latest class also ends at 12:30pm.
I don't understand why they want to set the time at 3pm.
That means I need to wait for 4 hours.
So, I went to the admin and ask them whether I can collect it in advance or not.
They answer me NO,
So, I tell them that I need to go back home and fetch my sister,
He replied me NO.
Then he asked, why I didn't collect it on Wednesday.
I told them that I stay far away from college and I don't have class during that day.
Then, they ignore me already.
I was so angry and I asked them can I collect it on Wednesday instead, they say NO again.
I need to go back home and fetch my sister back from school,
then I have my lunch and go back to HELP.
I was so unsatisfied with them.
I don't understand why they must set the time for us?
Why can't we go and collect it anytime we want.
What the hell...
So pissed off with them.
Piss off with HMC rule..
We have our own rights OK!!!

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Mariah Carey - Bye Bye

I love this song. It is so heart touching.
I cried when I listen to this song.
It makes me remember my best friend, Chee Lun, who passed away during car accident 2months before our SPM.
This song also reminds me about my grandfather who passed away when I was at the age of 7.
The memory of him is still fresh in my mind.
This song also makes me remember my great grandmother who pass away during my form 5 year too.
Not forgetting my uncle who passed away also during my form 5 year.
I lost 3 most important people in my life in just 1 year.
Great grandma, grandpa, Uncle Jason and also Chee Lun, you guys are always in my heart.
I miss you guys deeply. Hoping that you all will come into my dream one night.
This is the only way I can see you all. Just to heal my missing to you guys.
So far, I only dream of Uncle Jason and Chee Lun. But that was so long time ago.
Will always remember you guys!!

Mariah Carey - Bye Bye.

This is for my people who just lost somebody
Your best friend, your baby, your man, or your lady
Put your hand way up high
We will never say bye (no, no, no)

Mamas, daddies, sisters,
brothers, friends and cousins
This is for my peoples who lost their grandmothers
Lift your head to the sky 'cause
we will never say bye

As a child there were them times
I didn't get it but you kept me in line
I didn't know why I didn't show up sometimes on Sunday mornings
and I missed you
But i'm glad we talked through

All them grown full things
Separation brings
You never let me know it
You never let it show because
You loved me and obviously
There's so much more left to say
If you were with me today
face to face

[ Chorus ]
I never knew I could hurt like this
And everyday life goes on I
Wish I could talk to you for awhile
Miss you but I try not to cry

And as soon as you've reached a better place
Still I'll give the whole world to see your face
And I'm back here next to you
It feels like you gone too soon
Now the hardest thing to do is say bye bye

bye bye, bye bye, bye bye
bye bye, bye bye, bye bye
bye bye, bye bye, bye bye
bye bye

And you never got the chance to
see how good I've done
And you never got to see me back at number one
I wish that you were here to celebrate together
I wish that we could spend the holidays together

I remember when you used to tuck me in at night
With the Teddy Bear you gave
me that I held so tight
I thought you were so strong
You'd make it through whatever
It's so hard to accept the fact you're gone forever

[ Chorus ]
I never knew I could hurt like this
And everyday life goes on I
Wish I could talk to you for awhile
Miss you but I try not to cry
As.. time.. goes.. by

And as soon as you've reached a better place
Still I'll give the world to see your face
And I'm back here next to you
It feels like you gone too soon
Now the hardest thing to do is say bye bye

bye bye, bye bye, bye bye
bye bye, bye bye, bye bye
bye bye, bye bye, bye bye
bye bye

This is for my peoples who just lost somebody
Your best friend, your baby, your man, or your lady
Put your hand way up high
We will never say bye (no, no, no)

Mamas, daddies, sisters,
brothers, friends and cousins
This is for my peoples who lost their grandmothers
Lift your head to the sky 'cause
we will never say bye ...bye

[ Chorus ]
I never knew I could hurt like this
And everyday life goes on I
Wish I could talk to you for awhile
I wish I could find a way try not to cry
As.. time.. goes.. by

And as soon as you've reached a better place
Still I'll give the whole world to see your face
Feels like I'm next to you
It feels like you gone too soon
Now the hardest thing to do is say bye bye

bye bye, bye bye, bye bye
bye bye, bye bye, bye bye
bye bye, bye bye, bye bye, bye

bye bye, bye bye, bye bye
bye bye, bye bye, bye bye
bye bye, bye bye, bye bye, bye
Will upload the song soon!!